Sunday, November 1, 2009

The dead travel fast...

...and prefer classier rides. As my friend Alan Clark has posted his finished paintings that my '70 Mustang 'modeled' for, I thought I'd pass them along here. Both are from a new limited edition of Stephen King's Riding the Bullet and turned out great. Of course I'm biased...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Less Dave, more wolf...

I think I like this just a little better.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Portrait of the Artist as an Old Werewolf

Since I don't dress up for Halloween any more (and doing elaborate appliances on yourself is pretty far away from fun, believe me) I thought I'd do a digital makup portrait of myself for this year. I've always loved werewolves and believe the closer you keep them to human in form, the more effective. This is a Hammeresque take as I've always loved Roy Ashton's work on Oliver Reed in The Curse of the Werewolf...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Riding the Bullet

This was a quick setup I did for my friend Alan Clark, who's doing the cover and interior illos for the new Cemetery Dance editon of Steven King's Riding the Bullet. Alan knew I had a vintage Mustang of the proper make and model and I did some reference shots for him and this rendering of the car from a scene in the story. Only the car is real. The environment, fog and all lighting effects are digital painting.

Dark Carnival

The final monochrome state of my interpretation of Mr. Dark and his Autumn Carnival from Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes. A mixed-media digital composition.

All the Colors of the Dark

...with apologies to my friend Tim Lucas.
Here's a color rendering of a final state of Mr. Dark before he goes off to the printers. The carrousel is a completely different version of the one depicted in the monochrome, btw.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dark Alley

Another view of Mr. Dark out doing some PR work for the Autumn Carnival...

Deep Dark Shine

A digital rendering of a car I dream about from time to time. It's a concept I cooked up with my late friend Jack Daves and he occasionally drops by in the liminal state for a cruise down dark country roads with me. I look forward to our next ride...